The Importance of Prioritizing Your Life 

‘’What can I do to change my life for the better? What can I do to make my life happier, easier, and more fulfilling?’’ – The million-dollar question. In today’s precipitous world, prioritizing your life becomes more important than ever before. 

We live in a society full of noise and distractions. We’re often thrown into various obligations, ultimately making it increasingly hard to make time for what really matters. 

The reality of it all, is that time is precious. Time waits for nobody, yet, there are so many who unconsciously misspend any time they have, and when the realization of what they’re doing kicks in, it’s often too late. 

So much time is spent fulfilling meaningless tasks, that we tend to forget just how beautiful life is, and why we should make the most of every moment. A conscience choice to focus on moments with our family, finding our passions, or even going forth with that business idea we seem to always have in our minds, will never be time wasted.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the true importance of prioritizing your life, and 6 ways to do it so you’re able to reach increased happiness and fulfillment. 

Let’s get started. 

Why Prioritizing Your Life Is Important

Prioritizing your life is important because it helps you pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. You’re simply more prepared to focus on what matters and set your priorities, because let’s face it, everything else really doesn’t matter that much. That’s a bit a of a “duh” right?

We all have this one life to live, a fleeting shadow amongst all that exists in this vast universe, and we have the ability to accomplish everything – truly, everything. But only if we use our time wisely!

There are extremely important things in life – your family, your friends, your health, and your passions, . Then there’s everything else, small things that simply don’t matter. 

If you spend all your energy on the small stuff, you won’t ever find time for the things that are most important to you. What becomes increasingly evident is that, in order to sustain happiness, we must focus our attention on the right things. We, humans, have resource constraints that come with limited amounts of time and energy. For this reason, it now stands critical to learn how to prioritize your life effectively. 

Up next, let’s dig even deeper and see 6 ways to prioritize your life in order to learn how to put yourself first, and reach maximum fulfillment.

Ways to Prioritize Your Life

It takes courage to prioritize your life and work to achieve happiness. Take the first step and prioritize your life now to ensure you never life a life of regret.
1.  Nurture Important Relationships with Family and Friends

Important relationships are like plants that have to be watered every day in order to grow stronger. You have to give the people you care about your full attention, and show them just how much you care about them. If you’re with them in person, drop the phone and look them in the eyes.

All you’re doing here is simply reinforcing what your family and friends already know based on where you prioritize them in your life. You can let them find their own voice through your listening ears, show them their own beauty in your eyes, and help them to discover just how much the world needs their greatness. 

Always make the people you love one of your top priorities, always. When you do this, you open yourself up to love, to give, and to receive; ultimately allowing you to feel fulfilled.

2.  Do One Thing at a Time, and be Mindful

Put simply, ensure the thing you have chosen to do is now your number one priority. As you complete the task, make use of your full attention, focus, and see the value of exactly where you’re at, while you’re there. Mindfulness is key, and it will allow you to enjoy what’s happening around you, exactly as it happens. 

When you do this, you’ll find that simplicity is everything. You realize that you don’t need to go to the extremes in order for you to achieve happiness, or even just a smile. Appreciating the moments, feeling high amounts of gratitude, seeking nothing else and nothing more – this is what achieving true happiness is all about. 

A deep desire for money will be completely meaningless once you finally achieve it, unless you have the right mindset. Being grateful for a beautiful sunset and finding purpose in the embrace of a loved one are completely free for everyone on earth. Those moments gain the best kind of interest that money will never touch.

3. Focus On What’s Important, Not On What’s Urgent

You are not a product of your circumstances, you’re a product of your decisions. Things that matter most to you must never be kept at the mercy of things that matter the least. 

You must know what is most important to you, and prioritize your life from that information accordingly. So many of us spend far too much time on things that are urgent, and not enough on things that matter. 

Fortunately, however,  there are ways to deal with this. In fact, there are three ways, three action steps to include in your to-do list: 

  1. Be honest about what needs to be done urgently vs what’s important to you. 
  2. Review everything you must do on your list. 
  3. Do what’s important first before anything else. 

That’s it. Sounds easy enough, right? Sometimes, every single thing on your list is going to look important, but as you become a prioritizing pro, you’ll know where your priorities lie without second-guessing yourself. 

4.  Stay On the Right Path

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, and don’t let those around you get in the way or confuse you. Nobody can tell your heart what’s right for you, apart from you. You already know what really matters, listen to yourself, and don’t let anybody else dilute the power of your inner voice. 

You, as a human being on this planet, have an undeniable sense of purpose. The path to achieving true happiness can come from a solid connection to your many purposes. This is because when you support your ‘’why’’ intentions that have meaning, you’ll always make sure to locate the ‘’how’’ that brings them to life. 

Align your efforts with your purposes in order to connect with why you choose to do the things you do in the first place. 

5.  Keep Moving Forward

The phrase ‘keep moving forward’ is so important when it comes to trying to achieve true  happiness. It helps us to remember that old problems should remain exactly where they belong – in the past. 

Regardless of how much you try to revisit your past, you’ll find that there’s never anything new to capture. What’s happened, has happened, and just because you made some mistakes, it doesn’t mean that your mistakes are allowed to make you. 

“Never Look Back” is also one the many messages Scott Drumond learned form his life changing experience, which we discuss in the interview that jump started Prioritize Your Life.

You must ensure that you learn to let go and move on productively. This is not something that just happens automatically – you need to make a conscious effort to do it. 

6. Serve, Serve, and Serve again

You never hear stories of someone on their death bed saying they wished that had been more selfish and could found ways to stop serving mankind. This is by far the most important foundation to prioritizing your life. It’s almost ironic that the way to be most fulfilled in life is to focus on helping others. But it is just plain truth.

Spend just a little time consuming the messages of the worlds greatest motivators, speakers, and leaders. You’ll see that the most impactful ones almost always answer the big “happiness question” with being grateful for your life and serving. Somewhere inside of each if us, we know this truth. Actually making that change and prioritizing our life to put others first is the trick.

Finding and sharing stories to help us all in the journey of prioritizing our lives is what this project is all about. We’re grateful to have you here!